Time goes fast!

It's been a while since I had a decent time to write a new blog. On Monday two of the Americans were hosted with me, so we are with three now at the house. Sean and Mike said goodbye to there old host family and then we arrived at the house, we hadn't much time because we had a meeting at the principal's house for the project. After a long day we finally could sleep and Ra'da was very happy with the company.

Tuesday, a special day! After the non teaching there was a suprise, a teacher wanted to take us to the beach in Haifa together with her husband. At the beach he told us about the day, there was no school for the kids because of Nekba. It's the day the Jews occupated Palestinia in 1948. For the muslims it's the saddest day of the year. He also studied in Czech Republic, it's something that's popular with the Arabs to study abroad. Hereafter we took a walk through German Colony and had a drink.

Yesterday was a busy day, we had a lot of preparations for the English Day on Saturday. It's the closing of the project with a big show. To the end the day we went to Nazareth to family, Ra'da's brother in law told that his son plays basketbal with Christain Nazareth. About one third of the population in Nazareth is Christain, actually one of the teachers at the school is Christain.

So, it's a brief blog but in a few days we will go to the Golan Heights!

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