Life in Tamra...

You must have patience to arrange something in Israel. You need to put everything in perspective. Fortunately, we can all handle it quite well.
E.g.:  we are now teaching more than a week and we still didn’t get a schedule. They just tell us what to do when we arrive at school.

The last few days were very busy, but also very nice. On Saturday Fauve, Melanie and Heidi went helping in a home for mentally disabled people. A unique experience, because they didn’t talk one word in English. In this way, we learned a lot of Arabic words.
In the meanwhile Leonie, Heleen, Bryan and Bert got some Arabic lessons from a teacher from the Al Bayanschool.

Everyone stayed up late. I, Heidi, didn’t have a clue of what was going to happen…
Suddenly my fellow students and new friends blindfolded me. They had baked a chocolate cake to celebrate my birthday. I had a nice Arabic birthday party!

In Israel, Sunday is the first day of the week. So all pupils go to school on Sundays.
We were not expected, so after a few hours we already could go home. We decided to go to the beach (Haifa) by bus. De Lijn is very punctual if you compare it to Israeli buses. After three hours of traveling we were just in time for the sunset…

On Monday we observed six English lessons. The schooldays are different compared to Belgian schooldays. The lessons start at 8 AM and they finish very early, around 2 PM. They don’t have a break at noon, just a short one in the middle of their six lessons periods.

The teachers here teach in a very different way. Some make it really nice, but others make it rather classical. At that level you don’t have much difference with Belgian teachers. At first sight the pupils are completely different than Belgian pupils. They see their teachers more like friends and are a lot more enthusiastic than Belgian pupils. It is pleasant to hear that everyone here wants to become a doctor or engineer.

Yesterday we were teaching about Belgium, and after we taught some lessons in ethics. It was about happiness, and what makes the pupils happy. The pupils answered things we expected them to answer. The pupils are not so different after all…

Tomorrow you can expect more updates from us!

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