lasts forever, not even our time here in Tamra. Today is our last day here and
the day after that we are heading back home. We’re heading back home with mixed
feelings. We will miss the people here, but we can’t wait to tell our family
and friends all about our adventures and experiences in Israel. But before we
get to that, a recap of our last week in Tamra.
Cake for evryone |
Sunday was
our last day teaching at the Al Mutanabi School. Last week we started a project,
where the students made collages about four stories. The students that
participated in the project had the opportunities to give their collages the
finishing touch. After putting the dots on the I, the students prepared a few
words that they would say to the principal about the project when they presented
it to him. After they did this Nathalie went to get the principal and when she
got back she said that the principal would get there in five minutes. The
students told us that this was not possible because we had to go with them.
They blindfolded us and took us to one of the empty classes. Then there was a
huge surprise, a surprise goodbye party with cake and everything. It was such a
nice surprise, we were very touched. They told us that they had such a good
time having us here and that they were going to miss us very much. It was nice
to know that they feel the same way we do. After the party, we continued our
presentations for the principal. We were so happy with the results, the student
made such beautiful collages and almost all the student knew their stories by
heart. Except the group that did the story about Romeo and Juliet. According to one of the students Juliet didn’t die, always the optimist. But I have to admit, Romeo
and Juliet isn’t an easy story to read and understand. After that we said some
goodbyes, but told the students en teachers we would stop by, on Wednesday to say our final goodbyes.
Picking strawberries |
But although
it was our last week of teaching in the Al Mutanabi School, it wasn’t the last
day of our internship here. Aisha invited us to go to the agriculture school
where she works. We followed her through the whole school day and participated
with the activities. Yesterday a kindergarten class from another village came
to visit the school. The children got a tour of the school where they got to
know all the animals and plants on the school grounds. They went and pick
strawberries and got to look at the turkeys, chickens and rabbits in the
school. Afterwards they watched a movie
about the environment and had a talk with Aisha about how we should treat it.
Making flowers in kindergarden |
After her
work day at the agriculture school, Aisha also teaches art class at several
She always makes things from renewable materials or clay. The children really
love her. When she enters the room, everybody
is happy to see here and she also loves all the children of the kindergarten
schools she goes to, you can see this on her face.
Most people
would think that is the end of her work day, but it isn’t. After the kindergarten
class, Aisha also teaches a workshop making clay bowls with teenagers in the local
youth organization. So as you just read, our last day of our internship was a
pretty busy one.
For our last
day here we went and visited the school one last time. And for the rest of the
day we are cleaning the house, packing our bags and saying goodbye to our
friends here in Tamra. And Tonight, of course, we are going to go and eat
So See you guys soon
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